
Post and Logistics Union PAU member info 23.9.2016

If you get unemployed

Make sure that starting from the very first day you apply to become a jobseeker in the Employment and Economy office (TE Office).

For earnings-related allowance application please ask TE Office or check Federation of Unemployment Funds site www.tyj.fi You can also send the application through the web pages of PAU, Finnish section Työttömyysturva – asioi verkossa.

After you have been unemployed for two weeks send application for earnings-related allowance with attachments to the unemployment fund

Attachments required for application of earnings-related allowance:

  •  The original certificate of salary payments for at least 26 weeks that fulfil the condition of employment. The certificate must include specified amounts of holiday pays and holiday compensations plus other potential compensations (eg. support package, fees aso)
  •  A copy of the notification of termination or lay-off
  •  A copy of the testimonial (employer given work certificate) and work contract
  •  The decision document or payment receipt of potential pension, maternity, paternity or parental allowance, home care subsidy or any other benefit
  •  The latest confirmed tax assessment notice for any part-time income from business or agriculture / forestry income
  •  The report, if you apply for the child increase of children of spouses or life partners
  •  Salary certificate of part-time work, wages or other income if you apply for an adjusted daily allowance
  •  Your unemployment fund will get the tax data directly from the tax administration officials in case you prefer to submit to the fund the change in tax card for the benefit
  •  Make sure that all your membership fees have been paid correctly. If you have paid your fees separately yourself, submit copies of the fees paid to the fund. After your first application is processed, you’ll receive the decision document, the payment declaration and a follow-up application form. The unemployment allowance is granted retroactively for a maximum of three months.


Please note that an application filled incompletely will delay the processing. The processing time of the first application is normally 2-3 weeks, provided all the required attachments are given. The allowance is applied always retroactively in four weeks’ / one month’s periods, but you may fill in the first application after two weeks’ unemployment period.

You can check the amount of your own earnings-related allowance at www.tyj.fi päivärahalaskuri

The earnings-related allowance can be paid as raised for 90 days, if you have a work history of at least 20 years, you have been a member of unemployment fund at least 5 years and applied to become a jobless jobseeker in the TE Office within 60 days of termination of employment. Moreover, the termination must have been carried out by the employer.**

During the employment promoting service an increased earnings-related part is paid for the maximum of 200 days in case the service has been agreed on the employment plan and in the TE Office.

The earnings-related allowance is paid for five days a week and for the maximum of 500 days of unemployment. When allowance is paid for 5 days a week, 500 days will be realized at earliest in one year and 11 months (500 days / 5 = 100 weeks).*

Note! The government is planning a change of law concerning unemployment benefits starting from 1.1.2017 as follows:

  •  *The maximum period of earnings-related allowance would shorten from 500 to 400 days
  •  For the employees with max 3 years’ work history the maximum pay period would be 300 days
  •  For those fulfilled the employment condition required for earnings-related allowance after the age of 58 years and having been employed during at least 5 years during the past 20 years, the earnings-related allowance would be granted on for max 500 days
  •  The unpaid waiting period for the start of unemployment period would lengthen from five days to seven days
  •  -*The raised earnings-related allowance for 90 days paid due to 20 years’ work history would be removed

For more details contact the unemployment fund: www.pau.fi/tyottomyysturva