Post and Logistics Union PAU member info 23.9.2016 If you get unemployedMake sure that starting from the very first day you apply to become a jobseeker in the Employment and Economy office (TE Office). For earnings-related allowance application please ask TE Office or check Federation of Unemployment Funds site www.tyj.fi You can also send the application through the web pages of PAU, Finnish section Työttömyysturva – asioi verkossa. After you have been unemployed for two weeks send application for earnings-related allowance with attachments to the unemployment fund Attachments required for application of earnings-related allowance:
Please note that an application filled incompletely will delay the processing. The processing time of the first application is normally 2-3 weeks, provided all the required attachments are given. The allowance is applied always retroactively in four weeks’ / one month’s periods, but you may fill in the first application after two weeks’ unemployment period. You can check the amount of your own earnings-related allowance at www.tyj.fi päivärahalaskuri The earnings-related allowance can be paid as raised for 90 days, if you have a work history of at least 20 years, you have been a member of unemployment fund at least 5 years and applied to become a jobless jobseeker in the TE Office within 60 days of termination of employment. Moreover, the termination must have been carried out by the employer.** During the employment promoting service an increased earnings-related part is paid for the maximum of 200 days in case the service has been agreed on the employment plan and in the TE Office. The earnings-related allowance is paid for five days a week and for the maximum of 500 days of unemployment. When allowance is paid for 5 days a week, 500 days will be realized at earliest in one year and 11 months (500 days / 5 = 100 weeks).* Note! The government is planning a change of law concerning unemployment benefits starting from 1.1.2017 as follows:
For more details contact the unemployment fund: www.pau.fi/tyottomyysturva |